A conversation between my work colleague and I when I announced that I was going to try hypnotherapy for binge eating; Me: “I’ve booked myself if to see a hypnotherapist for binge eating.” Colleague: “You aren’t a binge eater-are you?” Me: Well, kind of. I find it hard to stop eating once I start, and I’m always thinking about food.”...Continued
Category: About Addictions
Read how to deal with addictions, facts and information about addictions. Addictions can range from alcohol through to smoking, drugs, sex or even work.

Football Players seeking Support For Mental Health
Recent figures show that more players are seeking support for mental health from the PFA. 278 more current and former football players than in 2018 have or are accessing therapy. Football Association’s Prince William has spoken out, criticising football clubs for their attitude towards the mental health of their players. “Once you would never show any weakness, but...Continued

Child Gambling: The Signs And Where To Find Support
The number of children with gambling problems has quadrupled to over 50,000 in the past two years. Recent research has shown that these numbers are on the incline. The ease of access to devices which allow minors to gamble has increased with almost two-thirds having free access to the internet in their bedroom where monitoring can be trickier. Matt Serlin,...Continued

Child Gambling Soars to 50,000 In Two Years
The number of people aged 11-16 with child gambling problems has quadrupled in the last two years. Research from the Gambling Commission indicates that a further 70,000 children are at risk of developing problems relating to gambling. Currently, some 450,000 children bet regularly making this more commonplace than drinking alcohol, smoking and taking drugs. Vocal campaigner, the Right Reverend Alan...Continued
Loose your gadget addiction with hypnotherapy
Smartphones-once the novelty, today the norm. A report published by Deloitte has found that people in the UK have never been more addicted to their smartphone, a third of us check for messages throughout the night, and admit their overuse has caused arguments with partners. The BBC reports, that FOMO – fear of missing out – leaves them in the...Continued
Can hypnotherapy help you to stop gambling?
Your heart rate is rapid, your palms are sweaty and you feel tense. The excitement increases as you feel the adrenaline soaring through your body. This ‘rush’ is as addictive and powerful as an illegal drug out there. It is just a couple of minutes before you know your fate. You’ve done it! You’ve won! The euphoria when you realise...Continued
Does hypnotherapy work for weight loss ?
Does hypnotherapy work for weight loss really work? It’s a common question, Does hypnotherapy work for weight loss ? I mean really work? I had a client come in for his 3rd session yesterday, to preserve his anonymity let’s call him Big Al. Big Al joked that he was on a seafood diet – he would see food and eat it....Continued

Perception. What is it? A brief chat about what perception is and how our perception of ourselves can affect our life As a much younger man I used to kick a football around on a regular basis, I thought I was quite good, that was my perception! I then found out the painful way that I wasn't good enough...Continued

Hypnotherapy and Alcohol?
An Interview About Hypnotherapy and Alcohol The following article came completely unsolicited from a client (let's call him James) via email earlier in the year. I had to smile at one point when he questioned whether he was in a trance or not; it's such a common thing - Am I? Aren't I? Even after sticking a clients hand to...Continued
Gambling? How to Become a Real Winner
Gambling is becoming rife in our society. It might be anticipating winning. It certainly creates a natural high. The opportunities are greater today than at any previous time to take a gamble. No longer is the domain of betting shops or racecourses. Now, gambling occurs from the comfort of home, on the street using your telephone, even just sitting enjoying...Continued