Are you seeking a natural, effective way to address issues like stress, anxiety, or unwanted habits? Hypnotherapy could be the solution you’ve been looking for. As a qualified hypnotherapist, I’m excited to announce that while I am now seeing fewer clients in Paignton, I’m offering hypnotherapy sessions in Chudleigh for those who want to experience the powerful benefits of this...Continued
Category: Uncategorized

Misophonia: Into the mind of sounds
What noise makes your skin crawl? Nails on a chalkboard or the scraping of a fork on a plate. Imagine never being able to escape the everyday noises that cause your fight or flight response. For those with Misophonia, a rare disorder triggered by certain sounds, running away is not always possible or practical. Misophonia can be genetic. First triggers...Continued

What’s Your Cave Like
Imagine a friend of yours shows you a cave….. It’s pitch black in this cave, there are lights available, but they can’t find the main switch - yet. All you have to find your way around is a pencil beam of light. As you try to find your way around the cave, your light picks out something glittery – something shiny;...Continued

Self-Hypnosis During Isolation
Self-hypnosis can help with almost any pandemic worry from reducing anxiety to fortifying your immune system. The chances are that when most people hear about hypnosis, swinging watches and “you are feeling very sleepy” comes to mind. -That’s Hollywood’s interpretation. Clinical hypnotherapy is conducted privately so you can rest assure you won’t be acting the fool. Hypnosis calms the anxious...Continued
Driver Anxiety, The Unspoken Phobia
Thousands of people each year are affected by driver anxiety, regardless if they are a learner or an experienced driver. Vehphobia is the term coined to explain the condition. The term means a persistent or reoccurring fear of driving. Symptoms vary from person to person and by the situation. The most common is a fear of driving on the motorway....Continued
Problems With Procrastination
Rather than a sign of laziness, procrastination can often be a manifestation of a fear of failure. This fear of failure is often the main driver in our lack of initial effort. Our subconscious wants to keep us in as safe a place as possible so just the possibility of a failure can be enough to cause us to want...Continued
Why You Should Consider Hypnosis
All to often when you hear the word hypnosis you conjure up the stereotypical images you’ve seen in the media of the swinging pocket watch and the words “you are getting sleepy”. In reality, and away from the media, hypnotherapy is a safe way to access the part of the mind responsible for habits and behaviors. With the help of...Continued
Terrified of Vegetables
Beth was so afraid of vegetables, she couldn’t even face touching them. Beth, 25, survived off a diet of cheese sandwiches and chips. With shaking hands abated breath, Beth picked up a tiny piece of carrot and put it into her mouth. Her partner sat close by with a huge smile across his face. “This is amazing” her partner exclaimed....Continued
5 Hypnosis Facts
Hypnosis comes with a lot of baggage. A lot of this comes from stage shows, movies, and books which are often miss-informative or just plain scary. I am always happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. You can contact me here What is the difference between hypnotherapy and hypnosis? Hypnosis is the process of...Continued
Empowering Parents With Hypnotherapy
Becoming a parent is a life-changing moment, but having a child comes with equal amounts of pressure and rewards – and no parent is born knowing how to handle all situations! The learning takes place on the job and muddling through becomes second nature. It can feel a little too overwhelming sometimes, but that’s completely normal. Parenting is a difficult...Continued