A conversation between my work colleague and I when I announced that I was going to try hypnotherapy for binge eating; Me: “I’ve booked myself if to see a hypnotherapist for binge eating.” Colleague: “You aren’t a binge eater-are you?” Me: Well, kind of. I find it hard to stop eating once I start, and I’m always thinking about food.”...Continued
Category: Diet

From Diet-Obsessed to Body Positive
My unexpected but oh so worth it journey from being diet-obsessed to body positive I can’t recall exactly when my journey to becoming diet-obsessed began, but I know my journey to becoming body positive took me by surprise. There was a time around puberty, where I started wondering what boys thought of me. Of course, I wondered and worried the...Continued

Is Hypnotherapy The New IBS Treatment?
MedUni states that hypnotherapy is one of the most effective treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. For those with stress-related Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS, they have a distinctive microbial signature in their gut. Studies at MedUni, Austria, have found holistic therapies significantly more effective in treating the condition than symptomatic and probiotic treatments alone. Hypnotherapy specifically has shown...Continued

New Year’s Resolutions Fizzled out?
We haven’t reached the end of January yet, but how are your new year’s resolutions? YouGov has released their poll of the top new year's resolution’s us Brits have set our sights on. Top 5 1. Eat Better | 2. Exercise More | 3 Spend Less Money | 4. Self Care | 5. Read More Books Almost half of the...Continued