
Performance Anxiety: Is it just in the mind?

Have you ever had to make a public announcement, a speech or presentation and woken up feeling sick at the thought of it? Some call it stage fright but the technical term is performance anxiety. The relatively harmless symptoms can make your life miserable – sweaty palms, a frequent need of the toilet, heart palpitations and a general feeling of...Continued

The Importance of Mental Strength in Sport

Mental Strength - Are You a Winner or Loser? I’ve been inspired to write this blog whilst watching the FA cup final ‘live’ on the BBC iplayer. Being a football fan and sports hypnotherapist I’ve been looking forward to this game for a while, but with a young family couldn’t watch it live due to a combination of work...Continued

Questions to Ask Your Therapist Before Treatment

Although Hypnotherapy is a trusted therapeutic process which accesses the subconscious. There are a few questions to ask your therapist before enlisting their services. Hypnotherapy is used to treat several well-known issues such as agoraphobia and fear of flying. But did you know it can also be used for helping with problems such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, sports motivation,...Continued

Science, Not Sci-Fi Guide to Hypnotherapy

The science part:     The mind has two parts; the conscious and the subconscious, each playing a different role. The conscious part comes to the fore when something out of the ordinary happens and we need to formulate a plan. The unconscious mind does everything else including breathing and moving. The unconscious mind generates most of our behaviour. As...Continued

ODD: Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Granted children do not always do what is asked of them but Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), is far more than mere disobedience. Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a childhood disorder characterised by defiant, disobedient, negative, and often hostile behaviour prominently towards adult figures. It is common amongst children with ADHD. It is thought that between 2-16 percent of children and young...Continued

Police Cells: Mental Health Crisis

People in a mental health crisis find it terrifying to be held in a police cell. Peers will move an amendment to the policing and crime bill to ensure those adults feeling suicidal, are self-harming or are psychotic are never taken to police stations for assessment. This plan is already in place for under-18s.   “The police can’t continue to...Continued

1 in 10 children have a mental health problem

The Education Policy Institute’s Independent Mental Health Commission published its final report of the year. It is the culmination of research into exploring challenges and transformation of children and young people’s mental health care and support. One in every ten children between the ages of five and sixteen have a diagnosed mental health problem. And yet, children’s mental health services...Continued