Hypnotherapy can support low mood and anxiety over the festive period As the days draw shorter and the Christmas season is upon us, it is comforting to know that hypnotherapy is here to support you. It is especially valuable for those highly stressed and anticipating a less than merry Christmas. More than 12 million in the UK seek...Continued
Category: Confidence

Horse Riding Confidence
After a series of accidents and falls, Jan found that even a simple hack on her horse was nerve-wracking. That's when she decided to take up her friend's recommendation and she came to me. After just two hours she was back in the saddle. She once again was enjoying fun rides, hacking with pleasure and horse riding with confidence. Read...Continued

New Year’s Resolutions Fizzled out?
We haven’t reached the end of January yet, but how are your new year’s resolutions? YouGov has released their poll of the top new year's resolution’s us Brits have set our sights on. Top 5 1. Eat Better | 2. Exercise More | 3 Spend Less Money | 4. Self Care | 5. Read More Books Almost half of the...Continued