Author: admin

Cognitive Dissonance

Consistency is often sought in people’s beliefs and perceptions, so what happens when our beliefs conflict with previously held belief? The term is used to describe the feeling of discomfort that results from two conflicting beliefs. Where there is a discrepancy between the two something must change to eliminate/reduce the dissonance. How does it work? Leon Festinger, Psychologist, proposed a...Continued

Anxiety dreams: Why and how to stop them

Dreams are accepted to be a natural part of an expression, of our imagination whilst we sleep and have fascinated mankind since the dawn of civilisation. Why do we dream and what do they mean? Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, two of the most famous therapists, were influential in the field of dreams and interpretation. Freud’s approach was retrospective, in...Continued

Stress management – how to retrain your brain

Stress - can we learn to live with it healthily? The perception of stress is that it is a modern villain nagging at us constantly to perform more than is physically possible in a twenty-four-hour period. While a moderate amount of stress is beneficial to our general well-being, high and constant tension isn’t. A Cognitive Neuroscientist with Trinity College, Dublin, says that...Continued

Anonymous Customer Feedback From Our Latest Course

Our latest course ran last Sunday. Often people will hand out satisfaction surveys on the day, the danger with this is that you run the risk of getting scores that aren't quite accurate as the attendee is probably still on a high after the course or may feel under pressure to write something overtly positive. With this in mind we...Continued


Relax: It's going to be OK In a previous blog I wrote about how hypnosis isn't all about being able to relax, although relaxation certainly does have it's place in mental and emotional well-being. Relaxation isn't just for holidays and it can have hugely beneficial effects on our health. I've added a relaxation audio file to the site for you...Continued