MedUni states that hypnotherapy is one of the most effective treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
For those with stress-related Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS, they have a distinctive microbial signature in their gut. Studies at MedUni, Austria, have found holistic therapies significantly more effective in treating the condition than symptomatic and probiotic treatments alone. Hypnotherapy specifically has shown high results in reducing symptoms.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment
The condition shows through a range of digestive problems including bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, inflammation and general unease. It is estimated that 10-20% of the population is affected.
Upon diagnosis, often a diet of probiotics is prescribed. Gut-directed hypnotherapy also alleviates symptoms. There continues to be a lot of research into gastrointestinal flora to track the cause of this condition.
Psychologically distressed IBS Sufferers
The use of stress questionnaires and stool samples have shown a direct correlation of gut bacteria and psychological distress. Validating the importance of the gut-brain axis. This axis is the relationship between the gut microbiome and the mind.
It is for this reason that many treatment methods for Irritable bowel syndrome focus on restoring gut flora using probiotics. However, the Study Group, a holistic, psychosomatic approach works better.
Clients who have used hypnotherapy showed a significant reduction of symptoms. This did not alter their gut bacteria. Further studies need to be conducted to discover whether something had changed on another level, such as bacterial metabolism as the original gut flora has remained the same.
Hypnotherapy Up To 70% More Successful
Up to 70% of those treated with hypnotherapy responded positively. The percentage for purely symptomatic and or probiotic nutritional therapies is much lower.
The holistic approach to treating IBS with hypnotherapy will continue to offer the best results in the immediate future.
“The influence of the gut microbiome on the mind and nervous system is an exciting field of research. However, purely biological approaches are insufficient for the treatment of IBS, which also requires psychosocial approaches, which are currently much more successful for patients.
People with severe IBS are often suffering from trauma or are under enormous stress and require integrated psychosomatic treatment.” Moser